Whether self-publishing or publishing your book through a publisher, you should consider employing a lawyer to protect your work. The legal issues involved in distributing your book can get complex, and The Law Firm of Dillon McCarthy can help you so that you can focus on writing and promotion.
+ Sales of Rights
A lawyers hould review any sale of publication rights you make to ensure that the contracts involved work in your interest. A lawyer can advise you on what to expect, what rights to sign away, and what rights you want to maintain. Even if self-publishing, the services to use and royalty frameworks to consider can be complicated.
+ Licensing
The most common thing for authors to license is when they commission a cover for their book. This should not be done informally; without a proper licensing or rights transferal agreement the cover artist could stop the sale of your book. Illustrations, forewords, and other work not from the main author should be similarly licensed in writing.
+ Copyright and Intellectual Property
Your book is your product and you should protect it in advance. Without copyright registration you can not sue someone for damages when they steal your book. Protecting yourself in advance is the best weapon against thieves.
+ Copyright Enforcement
If someone does take your work, there are a variety of options that you can use against them. This runs from DMCA Takedown notices to cease-and-desist letters to lawsuits. The Law Firm of Dillon McCarthy can walk you through your options, help you decide which is best, and represent you in stopping theft of your work.